
Murder at Sunny Lake

Cover of the police procedural murder mystery novel Murder at Sunny Lake by author Liz McGillicuddy

by Liz McGillicuddy

Category: Crime & Mystery | Police Procedural

Hardcover $24.99 US
October 11, 2023 ISBN 9780973519068 190 pages 6×9

Paperback $14.99 US
October 25, 2023 ISBN 9780973519051

Ebook $14.99
October 25, 2023 ISBN 9780973519044

About Murder at Sunny Lake

A young man’s obsession with finding a Sasquatch brought him to the forests of Muskoka. And it brought him to his death.

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About Liz McGillicuddy

Liz McGillicuddy was born in Alberta, moved to Manitoba and spent a wild childhood in the Muskoka region of Ontario. In 1986 she met the woman who would eventually become her wife. They are, remarkably, still together. Find out more about Liz McGillicuddy.